How do I know my breastfed baby is getting enough?
Every breastfeeding mama will probably have this question at one point or another. When you’re in the process of learning a new skill it can be very stressful to know if your body is able to do what it needs to give your little one the nourishment they need. The good news is that there are many signs you can look out for to be reassured that everything is going well.
The first and most important thing that you can be looking out for is the number of wet diapers your little one is having per day. This is the best sign of hydration, signifying that they are getting an adequate amount of milk. If you’re having questions or concerns about your milk supply, your doctor will ask about the number of wet diapers your baby has per day – so track those diapers before going in to see them! Ideally, the number of wet diapers per day is equal to the number of your baby’s age in days is until they are having 6 or more wet diapers a day.
The second most important thing that you can track is your little one’s weight. Almost all babies will lose some weight in the first few days of life with up to 10% of their birth weight being considered normal weight loss. After about 2 weeks, your little one should be back to their birth weight and should be continuing to gain weight from that point forward, which is about 5-7 oz per week for the first few months of life.
One last thing you can do while breastfeeding is to listen for swallows. Babies will suck a few times before swallowing (especially before your full supply comes in) so you don’t need to expect a swallow with every suck. It is best to listen and watch for swallows in a quiet room as it’s not always easy to hear them. You should expect to hear a soft gulp-like click coming from your baby’s throat and see a small ripple under their chin.
If you’re still having concerns, it’s never a bad idea to reach out to your pediatrician to get their opinion!
How do I know my breastfed baby is getting enough?
Every breastfeeding mama will probably have this question at one point or another. When you’re in the process of learning a new skill it can be very stressful to know if your body is able to do what it needs to give your little one the nourishment they need. The good news is that there are many signs you can look out for to be reassured that everything is going well.
The first and most important thing that you can be looking out for is the number of wet diapers your little one is having per day. This is the best sign of hydration, signifying that they are getting an adequate amount of milk. If you’re having questions or concerns about your milk supply, your doctor will ask about the number of wet diapers your baby has per day – so track those diapers before going in to see them! Ideally, the number of wet diapers per day is equal to the number of your baby’s age in days is until they are having 6 or more wet diapers a day.
The second most important thing that you can track is your little one’s weight. Almost all babies will lose some weight in the first few days of life with up to 10% of their birth weight being considered normal weight loss. After about 2 weeks, your little one should be back to their birth weight and should be continuing to gain weight from that point forward, which is about 5-7 oz per week for the first few months of life.
One last thing you can do while breastfeeding is to listen for swallows. Babies will suck a few times before swallowing (especially before your full supply comes in) so you don’t need to expect a swallow with every suck. It is best to listen and watch for swallows in a quiet room as it’s not always easy to hear them. You should expect to hear a soft gulp-like click coming from your baby’s throat and see a small ripple under their chin.
If you’re still having concerns, it’s never a bad idea to reach out to your pediatrician to get their opinion!